21 Jan 2011

19 Jan 2011

OKIDO project

My main Character

research about what kind of animals eat mushroom, so I can create an enemy for my story, finally I desided aye aye: a rain forest animal which eat everything in the forest including mushroom.

This is what aye aye originally look like. looks scary hum?

This is how aye aye looks like under my pen. :)

Start creating story by the skills we learned in Darren's lesson.

OKIDO Workshop-2

The second lesson of OKIDO Workshop yesterday was more fun! I can call it "Swapping practice" :)

First Game:
First part, we were told to draw a character in 3 piece of cards. Head, middle of the body, and legs separate on the cards.

Our cute chracterssss

This is my little mushroom on the left hand side

Second part, swapping!

swap! swap! swap!

swap! swap! swap!

Done! new heads, new bodies and new legs. :D

Looks so cute! everyone's smiling with their new born characters!

And this is my mushroom with new body and legs :D

Second Game:
First game is about character, and second game is about story!
We are told to write a story, but by different people.
When we write down a sentence, we have to pass it to next person to continue the next one until ending.
So finally, we will get a really funny story and ending.

I got this one. :D

I think the main idea of this lesson that Rachel wanted us to do is try to explode any kinds of possibility. when we're stuck sometimes no matter on characters, stories or ideas, why not have fun switching it and playing with it, some cool ideas will probably come up all of a sudden in games! :) 

OKIDO Workshop-1

I Feel so lucky that i can join in this illustration project. I really love drawing especially draw for children.
Our tutor Rachel she is such a lovely woman, i can feel she's full of passion for illustration, and she's really kind to help us and gives us suggestion and advice. Again, I'm really lucky in this group.

This is what we did on the first lesson. we were told to use red and blue colour papers to cut and paste on a piece of paper. In this process, we can try and create our characters in the habitat that we gave it. This was really fun that in the process, it was not just thinking about what kind of character you want to create, but at the some time, you will automatically give your character some stories in your brain! you keep cutting and pasting at the same time, you're telling yourself and giving story to your character, that is the most fun part for me in this process. Because when I draw, this is also a "self talking" time  for me.

This is what we did

Looks nice is a row!

Like these shapes of the chracters!

This is lovely! :)

In the middle are my first try of mushroom characters. My habitat is rain forest. Have to improve some more tho. :)

This one is awesome! such an elegant creature!

Love the fluffy cutting line!