9 Oct 2010


Friday's Image class we learned about Collage.
This class was so fun that we were told to cut and paste from newspapers to a postcard size paper.
In the first try, tutor gave us some themes which were: Composition, Editing, Contrast, Rhythm, Texture, Repurposing, Juxtaposition, Surrealism, Narrative and Humour. I chose Surrealism for my first collage.

 My first try: Surrealism

In our first try, most of us didn't give too much "white space" in our collage, so that themes in the our collage may not stand out easily, so under tutor's direction, we made our second try with more white space.

The idea is much more clear than first one! amazing "white space"!

In the third try, we were told to made 5 collages which were using one, two, three, four and five pieces of pictures in each collage. ( Time limited )






My working process was did 2, 3 and 4 at first, and then 5, the last one was 1. 
I found it wasn't easy to do collage by limiting how many piece of pictures to put in a collage. Because with the limitation, we have to think about the space and what kind of image is necessary to put or not. The most hardest one for me was working on the collage with only one picture on it. Simplest is the hardest, how to made an image to be standing out and also consider about its meaning with just one picture is not easy. It took me some times to keep finding the perfect one to put, finally i ran out of the time and as the result you can see, I'm not satisfied with it. :p

I really had a great time in this class. After class, we even kept talking about how fun we had today. I love the working process and sharing works with each other. Although i found that "Simple is not easy!", I like the challenge and I will keep trying!

In the end of the class, we were told to collage 100 cards until the end of this term, how excited! cant wait to put myself in the collage world!

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